The Water Drop™: Season 2, Episode 8
Considerations When Installing a Controller
As water treatment engineers, we at Innovative Water Consulting are very concerned about the prolonged suspension of proper water treatment routines and the lasting system damage that could happen due to corrosion, scale and microbial fouling on building water systems. Many business owners and operators have temporarily closed facility operations, while others are operating with very low occupancy and use rates during the Covid-19 pandemic. These abrupt shutdowns will negatively affect the overall health and stability of building water systems.
Scale will be prominent throughout water systems that not in use. Calcium scale is a hard, thick coating of calcium carbonate that forms on heating elements, in pipes, plumbing fixtures, water using appliances and Reverse Osmosis systems. Scaling occurs when the chemistry and temperature conditions are such that the dissolved mineral salts in the water are caused to precipitate and form solid deposits. These can be mobile, like a fine silt, or can build up in layers on the metal surfaces of the systems. Scale is a problem because it insulates and heat exchange becomes less efficient as the scale thickens, which wastes energy. Scale also narrows pipe widths and therefore increases the energy used in pumping the water through the pipes.
With facility shutdowns, corrosion will happen at increased rates. Corrosive water can dissolve metal plumbing components causing unsafe levels of copper and lead as well as pinhole leaks. Copper and lead can be toxic and can leach into water. This leaching is caused by corrosion. Copper contamination can cause gastrointestinal problems in the short term and damage the liver and kidneys over time. Lead contamination can cause physical and mental development problems in children. In adults, it can lead to high blood pressure and kidney problems.
Yet another danger to facility water systems is microbial fouling. Cooling water systems, particularly open recirculating systems, provide an environment for the growth of microorganisms. Microbial growth on wetted surfaces leads to the formation of biofilms. If uncontrolled, such films cause fouling, which can adversely affect equipment performance, promote metal corrosion, and accelerate material deterioration. It is critical to monitor and mitigate biological growth within water systems since biofilm reduces overall efficiency significantly and can harbor pathogenic bacteria.
Of course, the health and safety of clients and water treatment engineers should remain the top priority. Water treatment engineers and clients should continue open dialogue and find ways to continue water treatment programs to avoid unforeseen consequences that will result from the close of buildings and the nonuse of those water systems.
If you are a building owner or manager, please contact IWC engineers to find out how you can continue water treatment protocols to keep your systems maintained and healthy. If you have any questions on how to keep your facility plumbing system safe after this shut down, do not hesitate to us at any time. We provide expert help and advice on keeping your system running as well as getting your building water system back up and running in the safest way possible.
Contact IWC HERE, or 1-877-492-7526 or
Considerations When Installing a Controller
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