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Legionella Testing Requirements

Is Legionella Testing Required?

Within the realm of Legionella servicing, prioritizing safety measures against Legionnaires' disease remains essential. A common question that arises is whether Legionella testing is necessary. Recognizing the significance of proactive approaches in...

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Safe levels of Legionella in Water

What are the Safe Levels of Legionella?

In the realm of Legionella servicing, understanding the safe levels of Legionella bacteria in water is critical. Legionella, a bacterium that thrives...

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The Vital Role of Water Testing

Water, an essential resource for life and daily activities, should be pure and safe for consumption. Yet, various contaminants, including Legionella,...

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Preparing for Winter: Shutting Down Your Cooling Tower for the Season

As the seasons change and temperatures drop, it's time for facility managers and building owners to consider shutting down their cooling towers for...

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Tackling the Rising Threat of Legionella in Aging Infrastructure

As our cities and buildings age, they carry with them a hidden menace - an increased risk of Legionella contamination. This potentially lethal...

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The Link Between Scaling in Cooling Towers and Under Deposit Corrosion, Affecting Heat Exchange Efficiency

Cooling towers play a vital role in various industries, facilitating heat exchange and maintaining equipment efficiency. However, an often overlooked...

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The Vital Role of Legionella Prevention in Hotels

The hospitality industry revolves around providing guests with comfort, relaxation, and memorable experiences. However, amidst the pursuit of...

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