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Uncovering the Lesser-Known Threat of Aerators

While aerators may appear inconspicuous in the larger context of water system maintenance, their impact on water efficiency, quality, and cost savings cannot be underestimated. Regularly attending to the cleaning and replacement of aerators should...

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Controlling Chaos: How the Department of Health Handles Legionella Outbreaks

When a Legionnaires' disease outbreak is suspected or confirmed, the Department of Health or relevant health authorities will initiate a...

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The Tenacious Intruder: Why Legionella Keeps Coming Back

Proactively testing for Legionella allows a facility to stay ahead of a Legionnaires' Disease outbreak. But what about those facilities that...

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From Mystery Illness to Epidemic: The Evolution of Legionnaires' Disease

Legionella bacteria naturally occur in freshwater environments such as lakes and rivers. They can become a concern when they proliferate and are...

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Cooling Towers 101: An Introductory Guide to Their Operation

Cooling towers play a vital role in the majority of industrial and commercial establishments, serving as essential components. Their primary function...

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Legionella Unleashed: Exploring the Factors Enabling its Growth in Cooling Towers

Legionella bacteria can pose a risk of growing in Cooling Towers under certain conditions. Cooling Towers are part of the heating, ventilation, and...

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The Perfect Storm: Hurricanes and Legionnaires' Disease

As hurricane season approaches, the focus is primarily on the potential destruction caused by catastrophic winds, heavy rains, and flooding. However,...

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