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2 min read

Environmental Factors Contributing to Legionella Growth

Legionella bacteria are more prevalent during warmer months, typically between late spring and early fall. The warmer temperatures create an ideal environment for Legionella growth and proliferation. Legionella bacteria thrive in stagnant or...

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2 min read

Droplets of Change: The Impactful Role of A Water Management plan

Legionella Water Management Plans are of paramount importance due to the significant risks posed by Legionella bacteria. These plans are essential...

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2 min read

Stay Ahead of the Curve; The Power of Proactive Legionella Testing

Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. The bacteria are commonly found in natural water sources, such as...

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2 min read

The Importance of Ice Machine Filters

Ice is an integral part of our summers just as sunshine and beach days are. But did you know that lying dormant in those crisp cold crunchable ice...

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