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Cooling Tower Legionella Testing

How Often Should Cooling Towers be Tested for Legionella?

Legionella bacteria pose a significant risk to public health, particularly in settings where they can proliferate, such as cooling towers. Proper...

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Preparing for Winter: Shutting Down Your Cooling Tower for the Season

As the seasons change and temperatures drop, it's time for facility managers and building owners to consider shutting down their cooling towers for...

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The Link Between Scaling in Cooling Towers and Under Deposit Corrosion, Affecting Heat Exchange Efficiency

Cooling towers play a vital role in various industries, facilitating heat exchange and maintaining equipment efficiency. However, an often overlooked...

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Cooling Towers 101: An Introductory Guide to Their Operation

Cooling towers play a vital role in the majority of industrial and commercial establishments, serving as essential components. Their primary function...

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Legionella Unleashed: Exploring the Factors Enabling its Growth in Cooling Towers

Legionella bacteria can pose a risk of growing in Cooling Towers under certain conditions. Cooling Towers are part of the heating, ventilation, and...

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