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Water Quality

What is ST108?

2 min read

What is AAMI ST108?

In the world of healthcare and sterile processing, maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety is a top priority. One of the standards that...

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4 min read

What is the Acceptable Count for Legionella?

Legionella servicing has become increasingly important in ensuring the safety of water systems, especially in environments susceptible to Legionella...

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Culture Testing is the Gold Standard for testing for Legionella

4 min read

What is the Gold Standard Test for Legionnaires Disease?

When it comes to safeguarding against Legionnaires disease, understanding the gold standard test is crucial. Legionnaires disease, a severe form of...

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2 min read

Preparing for Winter: Shutting Down Your Cooling Tower for the Season

As the seasons change and temperatures drop, it's time for facility managers and building owners to consider shutting down their cooling towers for...

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2 min read

Tackling the Rising Threat of Legionella in Aging Infrastructure

As our cities and buildings age, they carry with them a hidden menace - an increased risk of Legionella contamination. This potentially lethal...

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2 min read

Environmental Factors Contributing to Legionella Growth

Legionella bacteria are more prevalent during warmer months, typically between late spring and early fall. The warmer temperatures create an ideal...

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