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Waterborne Testing

Which Industry is Within the Scope of ANSI AAMI ST108?

In the healthcare sector, maintaining the highest standards of sterilization and cleanliness is crucial. One of the essential standards in this...

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What is the Joint Commission AAMI ST108 Standard?

In the healthcare industry, maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety is non-negotiable. One of the critical standards that professionals...

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Culture Testing is the Gold Standard for testing for Legionella

What is the Gold Standard Test for Legionnaires Disease?

When it comes to safeguarding against Legionnaires disease, understanding the gold standard test is crucial. Legionnaires disease, a severe form of...

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Legionella Testing Requirements

Is Legionella Testing a Legal Requirement?

Legionella bacteria are a significant concern in various water systems, particularly in environments such as cooling towers, where the conditions are...

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The Vital Role of Water Testing

Water, an essential resource for life and daily activities, should be pure and safe for consumption. Yet, various contaminants, including Legionella,...

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