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1 min read

The Water Drop™: Season 2, Episode 13

Water Safety - Set Yourself Up for Success in 2023



In water safety, it’s interesting to wonder, why are people so reactive vs. proactive? We know we are smart people. Everyone is hearing about water safety issues and Legionella outbreaks, and they do know intuitively that if you have a Water Management Plan that a company can help you put together, and you have routine quarterly testing-- which is the suggested cadence-- you can prevent these issues from happening or identify them earlier when the intervention is so much easier. So, this is a question we ponder a lot at IWC: why are people still on the reactive end vs. proactive end? And hopefully I am here to dispel that today and make sure that people realize that if it’s a financial thing that people are worried about, of course you’ll always talk about risk and reward, but the financial output for a Water Management Plan and routine quarterly testing is a lot less than most people think. And in terms of the difficulty, it might be another issue for people. We’re a one-stop shop. There is nothing that we can’t handle in water safety. From coming in to work with your building, taking a look at your systems and putting you on a good, routine service, it’s just what we do without you having to figure out water on your own. So, stop burying your head in the sand. It’s time to be proactive. You don’t want to be one of those stories out there. You want to make sure that water safety is first and foremost in your mind and that you are working with a company that will just give you what you need-- they won’t overdo it, they won’t underdo it. They’re going to customize a solution for you. It will be financially easy for you, and the risk mitigation will be priceless.



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