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1 min read

Updates to Lead & Copper Water Testing Rules

EPA’s new Lead and Copper Rule better protects children and communities from the risks of lead exposure by better protecting children at schools and child care facilities, getting the lead out of our nation’s drinking water, and empowering communities through information.

The EPA has announced it will finally update its (LCR) Lead and Copper Rule to up the protection for our children in schools and childcare centers.  The LCR was originally published as a regulation in 1991. It has undergone various revisions since then, but for the first time since 1991, it will now be a federal requirement to test schools and childcare centers for lead and copper.  This has been a long-awaited step toward protecting our children from aging infrastructure and pipes. 

Improvements under the new rule include:

  • Using science-based testing protocols to find more sources of lead in drinking water.
  • Establishing a trigger level to jumpstart mitigation earlier and in more communities.
  • Driving more and complete lead service line replacements.
  • For the first time, requiring testing in schools and child care facilities.
  • Requiring water systems to identify and make public the locations of lead service lines

For more information visit the Federal Register visit  Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2017-0300.  

IWC Innovations continues to utilize the latest technologies for water testing.  Reach out to one of our water testing specialists to find how how you can test for Lead & Copper in your drinking water. 



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